Kilimanjaro National Park


Mount Kilimanjaro is located in Tanzania, a country in East Africa. The mountain Size is 1668 sq. km /641 sq. miles and it’s one of the seven summits (the highest peaks on each of the seven continents) Mt Kilimanjaro rises 5,895 meters or 19,340 feet above sea level. The dormant volcano last erupted some 300-300 years ago, and could erupt again. Kilimanjaro is composed of three cones, namely Mawenzi, Kibo, and Shira, the highest of which is Kibo. The highest point in the cone is called Uhuru which translates to freedom in Swahili.

How to get

Mount Kilimanjaro is a major tourist attraction for experienced and beginning climbers. To get to the mountain, the most convenient way is to fly into Tanzania (Kilimanjaro International Airport), and then travel to Arusha or Moshi, Kilimanjaro’s gateway towns, by vehicle. Both cities are approximately 40 minutes away from the airport and taxi services are readily available. Tanzania Expeditions offers expert travel planning and guides for getting here!

When to go

The best times for climbing Kilimanjaro are the driest months of the year, especially Jan, Feb and Aug, Sep. But any month between January to mid-March and June to October is recommended. Safety, being able to enjoy the hike, and have an a fulfilling experience are the main parameters which determine satisfaction level. We don’t recommend trekking when it’s a rainy season as the effects of rain, mud, snow, ice and cold can be very strenuous on the body. Correspondingly, your chances of a successful summit also increase significantly with nice weather. Of course, the mountain gets more foot traffic during these periods as well.

How many days and which route to take while climbing Kilimanjaro

There are six established routes to use while climbing Kilimanjaro. They vary in length and difficulty. All except one require you to camp. If you climb Kilimanjaro on the Marangu route your accommodation is in huts and camping is not allowed. Five days is the absolute minimum duration for a Kilimanjaro climb, six is better. If climbing using the Machame route six days is the minimum, seven days is recommended. Taking an extra day for acclimatization will greatly improve your chances to reach the summit. There are longer treks available for those who can afford them. Take a look at our Kilimanjaro climbing Itineraries and packages.

How do i prepare for climbing Kilimanjaro

Mt Kilimanjaro is the highest mountain in Africa and does not require any technical climbing! All you need is walk slow but steady. For the summit to be reached, your body must sufficiently acclimatize itself. It is important to be physically, emotional and spiritual prepared for the Kilimanjaro Expedition. Another important part of the preparation is having the proper equipment before you depart to Tanzania.

Physical preparation

It is very important that your body is properly prepared for the physical challenge of the Kilimanjaro. The better prepared you are, the better you plan to conquer the highest point of Africa. Good preparation will make a significant contribution to your own confidence and your mental strength.

Mental preparation

Mt Kilimanjaro is an amazing experience and anyone is able to reach its summit (Uluru peak). Think about this when you prepare yourself for the expedition. You will not be alone as Picture Tanzania Safari will make you feel welcome and will be there with you all the way. Always think positively and you WILL enjoy the climb! Remember it is a journey and not a destination.

How will i get fit

The type of condition is more important than the degree of fitness. Kilimanjaro is a walk and the interesting part of it is you take your time, no rush, so the best preparation you can have is to walk, preferably under simulated conditions. Even after your regular jogging/running exercises, your leg muscles aren’t fully prepared for the seven days of quiet, yet heavy, continuous walking. For the heavy walking tour, you should ignore the elevators and shortcuts and walk for long distances instead. Go walk, for example, in addition to regular fitness to let your muscles develop more. If possible, opt for walking in varying altitude so that you can practice walking up and down at various incline levels.. Once you’re able to walk 80 kilometers in one week, you have done the Kilimanjaro Machame Route. Train your body for extra resistance for your muscles, because on the mountain the inclination varies. In a period of eight weeks, using the gym and the many hikes, you can become fit enough for Mt Kilimanjaro climb.

Medical check-up

Before starting a physical training program, it’s always wise to get the approval of a doctor. Also knowing your health conditions from the doctor is every essential key as you will be hiking at a high altitude and its very risky if by a mistake you didn’t consult a doctor and found out you have heart or lung problems and you need evacuation from Kilimanjaro.

What to know about Altitude Sickness while climbing KilimanjaroThe definition of altitude Sickness (Acute mountain sickness) Is an illness that ranges from a mild headache and weariness to a life-threatening build-up of fluid in the lungs or brain at high altitudes. Acute altitude sickness is the mildest and most common form. Because more people are traveling to areas of high elevation like climbing Kilimanjaro.
High Altitude: 1500 – 3500 m (5000 – 11500 ft.)
Very High Altitude: 3500 – 5500 m (11500 – 18000 ft.)
Extreme Altitude: above 5500 m (18000 ft.)
What to do to Acclimatize and prevent altitude sickness while climbing Kilimanjaro Acclimatization is the process in which an individual organism adjusts to a gradual change in its environment. So while you’re climbing Kilimanjaro your body undergoes a process of trying to adapt the altitude transformation.
So from a philosophical point of view, when you ascend higher into the atmosphere, there is decreased atmospheric pressure pushing the air molecules down together. This results in oxygen molecules being low in concentration and far between.

Thinking about Climbing Mount Kilimanjaro?

And Wondering how to do it and where to begin……?

Let’s say you know someone or heard a friend who made it to to the summit of Mount Kilimanjaro and your also desperate and want to be next. First thing is to Relax, be calm! Below we have composed a simplified climbing Kilimanjaro guide which has all the information and instructions to prepare you from beginning to end. You don’t want to be those people who rush into things then end up failing and disappointed because of one thing…..they did not do any research or prepare. It costs allot and it takes time. You also want to enjoy the trek, so planning ahead of time is the key.

Let’s begin…